Latino Coalition For Israel

Engaging the Latino Community with the largest Pro-Israel Hispanic Movement

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Latino Coalition for Israel


We are very excited about the establishment of a historic initiative of the Latino Coalition for Israel (LCI). It is our vision to engage the Latino Christians in the Pro-Israel movement. LCI’s vision is to activate Hispanics in the Pro-Israel movement to counter the global rise of antisemitism and the Campaign to delegitimize the Nation of Israel. Our vision is to establish the largest Pro-Israel Hispanic entity: The Latino Coalition for Israel (LCI).


LCI will produce pro-Israel events in the largest U.S. Hispanic populated cities, as well as event sponsorship in South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Mobilization also includes equipping and engaging Hispanic Christians in prophetic activism and advocacy in support of Israel.


We will coordinate Latino-Jewish Round Table events with top tier Hispanic Evangelical and Jewish leadership and established a Latino-Jewish Task Force that will bridge the Hispanic and Jewish communities on a national basis to strengthen mutual understanding, build relationships, foster cooperation and advance pro-Israel activism. We have hosted three previous very successful round table events.

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