Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) is welcomed by Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro (JNS)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a five-day visit to Brazil to attend the inauguration of the new president, Jair Bolsonaro.
“This visit is unique, historical, a turnover in the relationship between Israel and Brazil. It’s a great start of year 2019,” Israel’s ambassador to Brazil, Yossi Shelley, said.
Bolsonaro and Netanyahu agreed to strengthen the cooperation between Brazil and Israel in the areas of security, protection, Agriculture, water and all It’s a partnership designed to happen and happen in a big hurry.
President Bolsonaro also said he would move the Embassy to Jerusalem. It’s not a question of whether it’s gonna happen, but when it’s gonna happen. He received an invitation from Prime Minister Netanyahu to visit Israel in the next few months.

Pastor Bramnick with President Jair Bolsonaro
This past December, Latino Coalition for Israel President, Mario Bramnick led a small delegation of pro-Israel evangelical leaders from the United States to meet with Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro.
The delegation and Bolsonaro discussed pressing issues regarding Israel including the move of the Brazilian Embassy to Jerusalem and how similar the scenario in Brazil is to that of the United States. Pastor Bramnick, along with Jim and Rosemary Garlow, Ramiro and Orphalinda Pena and Brazilian Pastor Josue Valandro, had an opportunity to meet President Bolsonaro and pray with him. Pastor Ramiro Pena gave the President an Israeli prayer shawl, thanking him for all his support for Israel.
Bramnick says he believes Bolsonaro and Brazil will move forward with God’s blessings. “We strongly believe that the hand of God is upon President Bolsonaro and that God has a tremendous purpose for the future of Brazil.”

From left: Jarbas Aragao Brazilian Christian journalist , Albert Vexler , Director of Jerusalem Presidential Prayer Breakfast ,President-elect Jaír Bolsonaro , Jim and Rosemary Garlow , Well Versed, Ramiro and Ophalinda Pena, and Pastor Valandro. Credit: Mario Bramnick.
Pastor Bramnick met with Damares Alves, a pastor nominated as Secretary of Human Rights. Pastor Bramnick and the team met with key pastors from around the nation to discuss the purpose of prayer and support for President Bolsonaro and the importance of Brazil’s movement of its Embassy to Jerusalem.

Albert Vexler, Damares Alves and Pastor
Mario Bramnick

Pastor Mario Bramnick speaking at
Pastors meeting in Brazil
See articles regarding the visit to Brazil:
38 Top National Evangelical Leaders Condemn Airbnb’s Boycott of Jewish-owned Properties in the West Bank
Top national Evangelical leaders send a letter to Airbnb to strongly condemn Airbnb’s decision to discriminate against the State of Israel by removing Jewish-owned listings in Judea and Samaria; stating Airbnb’s actions not only as discriminatory but anti-Semitic in nature.
Mario Bramnick, President of the Latino Coalition for Israel, who coordinated for such strong Evangelical leadership support through the letter stated: “Airbnb has singled out Jewish persons and the state of Israel for discriminatory treatment, while continuing to list properties in other disputed territories and conflict areas around the globe. Moreover, it continues to list Palestinian-owned properties in Judea and Samaria; only Jewish-owned properties have been singled”.
“Given the fact that Israel is the only democracy in the entire Middle East, one would think that Airbnb would not succumb to the inexcusable prejudice, blatant intolerance and Israelaphobia demonstrated by their anti-Semitic stance” stated Dr. Jim Garlow, Founder & CEO of Well Versed.
Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate stated “Airbnb’s actions are clearly anti-Semitic. This is blatant racism and bigoted discrimination”.
The letter signed by the 38 Evangelical Leaders stated:
“Evangelicals represent 25%-30% of the American population and strongly support the nation of Israel, the birthplace of our own Christian heritage. Some of our leadership were particularly active in the creation of many state laws designed to regulate against commercial discrimination of this nature. We will request of state authorities that Airbnb be added to their list of companies prohibited from any state investment”.
The letter further stated: “Airbnb’s discriminatory action has no place in our community. As leaders of national and international Evangelical organizations and communities, we urge Airbnb to rescind their decision to discriminate against Jewish-owned listings in Judea and Samaria”.
Some of the signers include:
Mario Bramnick, Esquire, Latino Coalition for Israel; Tony Perkins, Family Research Council; Ralph Reed, Faith & Freedom Coalition; Bishop Harry Jackson, Hope Christian Church, Beltsville, Maryland; Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; Susan Michael, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem; Dr. Jim Garlow, Well Versed; Bishop Marcus Lamb, Daystar Television; Ward Simpson, God TV; David Barton, WallBuilders; Bob Vander Plaats, The Family Leader; Kelly Monroe Kullberg, American Association of Evangelicals; and Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy

Ambassador Danny Danon and
Pastor Mario Bramnick

Pastor Mario Bramnick speaking at the Jerusalem
Prayer Breakfast
Pastor Mario Bramnick ministered at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Event in Orlando on November 14, 2018. Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador Danny Danon, Knesset Member Robert Ilatov, Chairman of the Prayer Breakfast Albert Vexler and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann were part of the program. Pastor Bramnick spoke about the LCI vision and the historic work we are doing with Latin American nations on the movement of their Embassies.
Pastor Mario Bramnick hosted a Feast of Tabernacles 5779 service at New Wine Ministries Church on September 23, 2018. Rabbi Feldman spoke about the prophetic significance of the Feast of Tabernacles.
The Latino Coalition for Israel’s vision is to engage and activate Hispanics in the Pro-Israel movement to counter the global rise of antisemitism and the Campaign to Delegitimize the Nation of Israel and to engage heads of state of Latin American countries to move their Embassies to Jerusalem. Our vision is to establish the largest Pro-Israel Hispanic entity: The Latino Coalition for Israel (LCI).
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