Pastor Eduardo Gomez
Pastor Eduardo Gómez studied Theology, Foreign Trade, Psychotherapy and German. Pastor Gomez presided over COMIBAN COLOMBIA and organized the first Andean Missionary consultation. He was the General Coordinator of the Family Festival with Luis Palau. From 1988- 2006: Pastor Gomez presided and founded "ADME" District Association of Ministers of the Gospel. During these years he held positions of influence in the Evangelical Confederation of Colombia CEDECOL "Evangelical Council of Colombia". In 1990 - 2000 Pastor Gomez was called to be part of the International Leadership and coordinates for Latin America the AD2000 Movement, which expedited the mandate of the Great Commission at the Global Level. In 1998 Pastor Gomez founded the Christian Church Word of Life where he is currently General Pastor. Pastor Gomez has collaborated with Dr. Alberto Mottesi as Director of New Latin America, whose Leadership of influence has been mostly in 19 countries, 100 cities and thousands of established leaders in the spheres of influence of Politics, Economy, Art, Culture, Education, Media and Sports of the American Continent. He is married to Sandra Belixe Sánchez, who works at Casa de Nariño, their daughter Carolina Gómez is the current Director of the Chamber of Commerce Colombo Israelí.