Pastor Abraham Rivera
Born in the US to Latino parents, Pastor Abraham Rivera grew up in Miami where he met his wife, Marilyn. Together, they serve as the lead pastors of La Puerta Life Center – a bilingual, culturally diverse, urban church in Miami. A major part of his ministry is teaching others to live up to their God-given potential with a special focus on those in disenfranchised communities.
Outside of the church, Pastor Abraham is actively involved with various citizen organizations on the local, state, and national level. He serves on the executive board of Mission Miami, an organization that unites believers from all languages, cultures and denominations. He serves as the Florida representative of the Hispanic Action Network where he promotes citizen involvement and advocacy for Latinos in various social issues. He has served as advisor for several elected officials in the areas of community relations, religious affairs and faith-based initiatives in Florida Senate where he served as Chairman of Religious Affairs.
Pastor Abraham strongly believes in the importance of taking faith outside of the church walls and encourages others to be responsible citizens by doing the same. He is a frequent speaker at synagogues, churches, and community events as a good will ambassador promoting support for Israel and pro-Israel issues. He works to empower leaders. He has conducted leadership training in the US, Haiti, Guatemala, Colombia and Honduras.
Pastor Abraham is the recipient of various honors and awards for his work in the community, including the United States Congressional Award for Hispanic Leadership. Pastor Abraham currently holds a Doctorate in Divinity degree from Latin University of Theology in Los Angeles, California.