Cindy Jacobs
Cindy Jacobs is a prophet, speaker, teacher, and author with a heart for discipling nations in the
areas of prayer and the prophetic. She and Mike, her husband of 45 years, co-founded Generals
International in 1985. They also founded the Reformation Prayer Network, which consists of a
well-connected, fifty-state coalition of prayer leaders.
At nine years old, the Lord called Cindy when He urged her to read Psalm 2:8: “Ask of me the
nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession.” That small seed God
planted many years ago has sprouted and grown into an international ministry, taking Cindy to
more than 100 nations of the world. She has spoken before hundreds of thousands, including
many heads of nations. Some have called her the prophet to the presidents. Cindy helps people
walk in the ministry of prophetic intercession, equipping them to pray effectively.
She has been recognized by Charisma Magazine as of one of their “40 People Who Radically
Changed Our World” and she is listed in the Who’s Who Among American Women. She has
written for Charisma Magazine, Ministry Today, and Spirit-Led Woman, and is the author of
eight books, including such bestsellers as Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, The Voice of God,
and Women Rise Up! She is a frequent guest on many television shows.
In addition, she is the Chair of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders which has met together
since 1999.
She and her husband, Mike, also convene the Global Prophetic Consultation, with invited leaders
from more than 65 nations.
She sits on the executive council for Empowered 21 and is an advisor to the boards of Christ for
the Nations Bible Institute, and Oral Roberts University. In 2019, Cindy joined the Board of
Directors of Wagner University.
Cindy earned her B.A. in Music from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, and also
completed graduate work in Music from Pepperdine. She holds honorary doctorates from Asian
Theological Association, for her work with unreached people groups, and from Christian
International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Cindy also received a third doctorate from Wagner
University in Applied Theology in 2018.