Sammy Eppel
Trained as Mechanical Engineer, was part of the Founding group of Kibbutz Grofit in the Arava, Israel. Lived there from 1970 to 1974.
From 1975 to 2010 was Project manager, Director, General Manager and Partner of various companies in mining, manufacturing, banking, sales, logistics and mass marketing.
Consultant, political analyst, Journalist, Member of Interamerican Press Association (sociedad interamericana de prensa SIP). Distinguished columnist for Venezuelan major newspaper (EL UNIVERSAL), over 600 published articles, also reprinted in other newspapers and websites. Guest commentator in radio and Television in Venezuela and abroad.
Founder(1995) and past president of FUNDACION MADRE MARIA LUISA CASAR, a catholic foundation that cares for underprivileged children in Caracas worst slums that runs a school, a medical facility and a food preparation center.
Was member of the governing body of Venezuelan Jewish community (CAIV) and acting director of commission of human rights of B’nai Brith Venezuela. Lecturer and presenter of HASBARA Spanish program. Active on interfaith relations and enlightening programs. Has participated and presented at important conferences of Evangelican organizations, CUFI, NHCLC, HILC and others.
Since 2004 has concentrated on the study of the Venezuelan phenomenon that has been “GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ANTISEMITISM” and how it relates to “JUDEOPHOBIA”. Traveled extensively to conferences and have lectured and given presentations on the subject in Spanish and English at: AJC latin American forum Miami, Global Forum Jerusalem, ICCA meetings in London and Ottawa, YIISA institute at Yale University, Tel Aviv University Stephen Roth Institute in Budapest and Paris, Kantor center Tel Aviv, ADL conference Palm Beach, Israeli President’s Conference Jerusalem, SAJBG(South African Jewish Board of Governors) Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth, world Zionist organization(OSA) Argentina, Bnei Brith policy conferences Washington, Panama and regional Costa Rica, La Maison De L'Amerique Latine Paris, State University of Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Global Forum Argentina, and others.
Co-chair of Latin America group at Global Forum To Combat Antisemitism Jerusalem. Board member JSA(Journal For The Study Of Antisemitism), latin American Delegate to Bnei Brith international board of governors and Coordinator latin American Desk of ISGAP ( Institute For the Study Of Global Antisemitism And Policy).
Currently involved as a producer, with award winning Director Daniel Benaim and the support of the US Holocaust Museum, in the filming of a documentary centered on western attitudes in 1939 that sealed the fate of many Jews.
Trained as Mechanical Engineer, was part of the Founding group of Kibbutz Grofit in the Arava, Israel. Lived there from 1970 to 1974.
From 1975 to 2010 was Project manager, Director, General Manager and Partner of various companies in mining, manufacturing, banking, sales, logistics and mass marketing.
Consultant, political analyst, Journalist, Member of Interamerican Press Association (sociedad interamericana de prensa SIP). Distinguished columnist for Venezuelan major newspaper (EL UNIVERSAL), over 600 published articles, also reprinted in other newspapers and websites. Guest commentator in radio and Television in Venezuela and abroad.
Founder(1995) and past president of FUNDACION MADRE MARIA LUISA CASAR, a catholic foundation that cares for underprivileged children in Caracas worst slums that runs a school, a medical facility and a food preparation center.
Was member of the governing body of Venezuelan Jewish community (CAIV) and acting director of commission of human rights of B’nai Brith Venezuela. Lecturer and presenter of HASBARA Spanish program. Active on interfaith relations and enlightening programs. Has participated and presented at important conferences of Evangelican organizations, CUFI, NHCLC, HILC and others.
Since 2004 has concentrated on the study of the Venezuelan phenomenon that has been “GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ANTISEMITISM” and how it relates to “JUDEOPHOBIA”. Traveled extensively to conferences and have lectured and given presentations on the subject in Spanish and English at: AJC latin American forum Miami, Global Forum Jerusalem, ICCA meetings in London and Ottawa, YIISA institute at Yale University, Tel Aviv University Stephen Roth Institute in Budapest and Paris, Kantor center Tel Aviv, ADL conference Palm Beach, Israeli President’s Conference Jerusalem, SAJBG(South African Jewish Board of Governors) Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth, world Zionist organization(OSA) Argentina, Bnei Brith policy conferences Washington, Panama and regional Costa Rica, La Maison De L’Amerique Latine Paris, State University of Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Global Forum Argentina, and others.
Co-chair of Latin America group at Global Forum To Combat Antisemitism Jerusalem. Board member JSA(Journal For The Study Of Antisemitism), latin American Delegate to Bnei Brith international board of governors and Coordinator latin American Desk of ISGAP ( Institute For the Study Of Global Antisemitism And Policy).
Currently involved as a producer, with award winning Director Daniel Benaim and the support of the US Holocaust Museum, in the filming of a documentary centered on western attitudes in 1939 that sealed the fate of many Jews.